
Wednesday, October 9, 2013


   Let me start by saying that Don Jon is completely different than the trailers portray it. It isn't just some dumb comedy about a couple friends who have sex with women and watch porn. It has a very deep message about life and love, and an even bigger theme about addiction. This may be one of my favorite movies of 2013. Before this, I enjoyed Joseph Gordon-Levitt (who will now be referred to as  "JGL" for the rest of this review) enough for his acting ability, but now I respect him for his writing and directing, as well.
   From simply watching the trailers for this, I figured it would be one of those stupid comedies that would follow someone with a "silly" problem like watching porn, only to conquer that and win the woman at the conclusion of the film. This is, actually, a well-written character piece where porn isn't just there for the sake of funny situations, but is a REAL thing Jon has to deal with in his daily life. Aside from his addiction, we also learn others things about this character through his actions, friends, family, and really interesting daily routine.

    This film tells the story of Jon (Known by his friends as "Don Jon"), played by JGL. There are only a few things that he cares about in life, which he tells us in the very beginning of the trailer, and the very beginning of the film. Go watch both. We follow Jon through his daily life, seeing what drives him. The fact that everything, from writing and directing, was done by JGL (along with being the star) very much creates an exceptionally strong character. It is very much a character film, following Jon, but also those around him, who are all played by some very funny, talented actors.
   First, we meet Jon's "boys." Boddy (Rob Brown) and Danny (Jeremy Luke) are a fun duo. They have Jon's back in the various clubs and bars they frequent. We have his family, which consists of his father (Tony Danza), his mother (Glenne Headley), and sister (Brie Larson), which are the stereotypical Italian-Jersey family. Each one of them has their own idea of what Jon should be doing with his life, and we understand why for every one of them by the end of the movie.
   Lastly, we meet the two woman encountered in the film. The ones encountered more than once, I mean. We have Barbara (Scarlett Johansson), the one Jon wants to win over. In doing so, Jon begins to sacrifice his entire lifestyle. Then, we have Esther (Julianna Moore), who is a fellow college student of Jon's. She slowly shares a bond with him and becomes a voice of reason when things are really bad.

      There are some brilliant moments throughout this movie. My eyes were locked on the screen for, easily, the entire thing. It is very much "over-the-top," which works. All of the actors are very animated. You aren't just watching JGL, who seems to be stealing the spotlight. While it is deserved, Brown and Luke are just as "big." Danza and Headley has some very funny, small side moments with themselves and others. Every single time Larson was in view, I was laughing. You'll see why. Johansson is beautiful, of course, but more than that, is a very strong character. She isn't just there for the eye-candy. Moore is beautiful, but in a different way. She is the extreme opposite of her co-star, emotionally.
    The film is nice in the technical sense, as well. Visually, there is a lot of color, fast cuts, and it is constantly moving, not staying still for too long. Sound design is important, too. Blending with the soundtrack 100% (which includes "Good Vibrations" by Marky Mark. Beat that). However, this isn't a perfect film. It has some problems. Halfway through, some of the characters seem to have changes that I didn't understand fully. They did things that they wouldn't have done an hour before. It's a sacrifice made for time, but also to make the film better. That being said, I liked the changes, but wish we would've seen them a little clearer.We HAD to see the growth in these characters. Otherwise, it is just another movie in the "Let's drink, sex, and fool around with our friends" genre. Or, boring, for short.

    Overall, though, this film is one of the better things in the theaters. Do I think it is an "Oscar" contender? No. Do I care about the "Oscars?" Not too much. I love this film for what it is. It is one of the best films I've seen in 2013, for sure. JGL is off to an amazing start, and I'd like to see him continue writing and directing. Hopefully, we'll see him continue to create more, equally entertaining movies. I wasn't a HUGE JGL fan before, but I am now.

RATING: 4.5/5


  1. As a side discussion, I mentioned Marky Mark above. Some of you, sadly, are clueless as to who is Marky Mark. Well, it is Mark Wahlberg, who had a thriving music career before turning to acting. (It actually ain't that bad). Although I didn't review it, I can say that one of his latest films, Pain & Gain, was surprisingly fun. Similar is looks to Don Jon, and now out on DVD. One sentence review: I love Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, who steals the show, but Michael Bay...

  2. Very, very good review! Although, may I comment, because of the background, the green-based picture of JGL and J. Moore was doing some funky stuff. If there's a way you can fix that, that would be awesome. It might be migraine triggering for some readers. :)

  3. As a side note, this is a marvelous movie, but save yourself from the awkwardness. It is NOT a date movie. See it alone and thank me afterward.
    Source: I saw it with my sister. Just don't.
